Odd Thomas | Teen Ink

Odd Thomas

March 2, 2016
By 19lp01 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
19lp01 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He is a short order cook in a desert town. He has 24 hours to save the town from
complete chaos and be with the love of his life at the same time. His name is Odd Thomas. My
three reasons for doing Odd Thomas is are it is a loving, weird, and sad movie.
It is a very loving movie. His sweetheart is Stormy Llewellyn. He is her pooh bear, but
not because he is cuddly. According to Stormy it’s because his head is full of stuffing.  She tells
him that when they are on their way to the church belfry. Which was ruined by this weird man
with a funky blonde hair piece; which after they saw him at the mall, and going into the ice
cream shop, they decided Fungus Bob was the best name for him. She is the manager at the
ice cream shop in the mall and he is a short order cook at the town cafe. The perfect couple.
After all, they are destined to be together forever. the fortune did only cost the $0.25 from Gypsy

Now you are probably wondering why his name is Odd Thomas. His mom says it was a
mistake on his birth certificate and his name was supposed to be Todd, after a Lithuanian uncle,
but according to Odd’s dad he didn’t have any Lithuanian uncles, they were all Bulgarian, and it
was his name. Odd has only met one other person who shares his ability. Unfortunately he died
right after they met. You see they both saw bodachs. But if the bodach knows he will kill you.
The guy gave him the finger and it hit him with a truck. Literally. But these bodachs, they only
come around when death is going to happen. Not ordinary death, like a natural death, but a bad
death with a lot of blood and a lot of people dying. And in the cafe, there is more than he has
ever seen in one place. Bodachs are kind of see through and have a scary face. They have
sharp teeth and really long arms and legs. He was murdered by his fellow cult members
because he was careless about evidence. Two of the members are cops for cover. One of them
tries to frame Odd with the murder of Fungus Bob. 

Fungus Bob is a peculiar character. He died a while before the church incident. His
buddies and him where all members of the POD cult. POD stands for Prince of Darkness. They
killed a man when they were teenagers and two of the four men became cops for better cover.
They decided to do a mall killing in Pico Mundo. Stormy works in the mall too. All Odd was
thinking in that moment was don’t die, don’t let Stormy die, and don’t let all these people die. A
van with loads of bombs where in the mall basement waiting to go off and Odd was going to
save the day! he hopped in the truck and drove as fast as he could as far away from the mall as
possible. One of the bodachs saw him. Odd was shot four times. He flew out of the van right
before it exploded and he lived. Him and Stormy stayed at home for the next couple months
after that. One day the chief showed up with a couple of Odd and Stormy’s friends. They had to
tell him. It was inevitable. He was going to find out sooner or later and with how long they had
spent together already they figured now was for the best. Her body was released from the
coroner. She had died that day. Somewhere inside Odd knew it. But he also knew if he had
accepted her death it would have been one to many that day and he would have let go. 

“Fate is not a straight road. You have the free will the choose which you take, but sometimes it will bend around and bring you straight back to that stubborn fate.” - Odd Thomas

He can see dead people. Sometimes it’s a curse and sometimes it’s a gift, but no matter what
he does he can’t stop it. But don’t you wonder what happens after?


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