Twilight | Teen Ink


February 25, 2009
By AllieP123 BRONZE, Westminster, California
AllieP123 BRONZE, Westminster, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Twilight saga is a nationwide phenomenon that has captured the hearts of millions. The moment I began to read it, I was hooked. Now, normally I would not particularly be interested in a fantasy book about a vampire, but this was definitely not the case this time. If you have read it you probably know just exactly what I mean. The thing that I loved most about this series is that it inspired me to read again (I am not really the read for enjoyment kind of girl). But how can you resist! This is a book about love and commitment that two completely different people share with one another. Bella Swan, your average teenage girl, decides to go and live with her father in the small town of Forks, Washington. After she arrives, she meets this mysterious, handsome boy named Edward Cullen. The moment they laid eyes on each other, things would never be the same. To add to the mixing pot of drama, she reunited with her old friend Jacob Black. This amazing series takes you through the ups and downs of their journey together. Did I forget to mention that together they must fight off three devious vampires? I would absolutely recommend this series to anyone. It will sweep you off of your feet into a side of life you never knew existed!


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