Marked by Kristen/P.C Cast | Teen Ink

Marked by Kristen/P.C Cast

February 24, 2009
By Anonymous

My friend had been talking about this book for months before I finally decided to read it, I have to admit I did not have high expectations.

Zoey knows straight away she's different, her mark is coloured in, even Stevie Ray and the gang can't explain it. But, there are worse things happening at The House of Knight, Aphrodite, the school bully, is the leader of an elite group who perform dark rituals and drink blood from their 'refrigerators' aka. 3rd Formers. Students are dying and Zoey still doesn't know what to do with her slightly obsessed ex.

As Zoey discovers her extraordinary powers she, with the help of her friends: Damien, Shanice, Erin and Stevie Ray, Zoey saves the school from Aphrodite's mistakes and manages to impress Erik, the hottest guy at the school, and Aphrodite's Ex.

This is a truly different and brilliant book, while balancing the darkness of evil and the triviality of day to day life Kristen and P.C Cast create a trually brilliant and entertaining story.

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This article has 2 comments.

Nelle PLATINUM said...
on Feb. 27 2009 at 3:28 pm
Nelle PLATINUM, Crewkerne, Other
21 articles 10 photos 49 comments
Thanks for the feedback, I probably did give too much away about the ending. Sorry guys, I'm new to this. :)

on Feb. 26 2009 at 10:57 pm
i love this book! i think it is one of the best vampire books i have ever read (next to twilight). but i think you told them too much about the ending because if they read this they will know what happenes in the end! but i <3 this book!