Redshirts review | Teen Ink

Redshirts review

January 11, 2016
By Cameron Thompson BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
Cameron Thompson BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
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Have you ever read a book that makes you question your life and why thing have happened?  Redshirts, by John Scalzi is a mix of Star Wars and Star Trek but with a twist that will leave your mind blown.  You will wonder or at least the characters in the book why they are here and why these unfortunate events keep happening.   You may not believe that some of the events and reasons for them are really true but in this futuristic universe they are.  This captivating journey of survival will keep you reading until the end. 
Redshirts is a sci-fi book filled with action, adventure and a hint of mystery.  Andrew Dahl, the protagonist, is on a spaceship called the Intrepid during the 2400s.   When he gets on the ship he notices something peculiar.  Andrew and his friends have to figure out why the problem is happening and how to stop it.  With all the fancy technology you would think it would be easy.  No one has ever seen something like this so they don’t know what they can do.  They either have to choose to run from the problem in front of them or they can risk their lives on treacherous planets to fix their problem. 
The setting of the Intrepid plays a huge role in the plot.  The universe that the ship travels through is very unexpected.  Without the technology and knowledge of different planets the story could have never been created.  Some of the planets are bizarre but believable in the futuristic setting. Also with the knowledge and experience of the people they can do unthinkable things. With all the unexpected thing going on you don’t know what is going to happen next.  When you want to put the book down they through something at you to make you keep reading. 
John Scalzi’s ideas for this book are incredible.  He puts a great mystery at the start.  Instead of just explaining the problem he has the characters figure it out so you can be with them when they find it out. Once they figure out what is wrong they now have to fix it.  Fixing the problem seems impossible but with the futuristic technology they can do it.  Even once they have completed the mission he adds another doubt that they wont finish the task.  John Scalizi’s writing style and ideas were impeccable.  I had no questions of how or why something happened. 
If you are looking for a book with suspense and will have you questioning will he make it out this is the best book for you.  With the small mystery at the beginning and the action and the end this book has a perfect balance of explanation and excitement.  All the twists and unexpected events will keep reading until the last page.  You might even want to read it again.  Knowing the outcome can give you a new perspective on the beginning events in the beginning.  Redshirts, a sci-fi novel with interesting characters and plot can have you asking the question why has your life been the way it is?


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