Generation Me | Teen Ink

Generation Me

February 9, 2009
By Samantha Schaffner BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Samantha Schaffner BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Generation Me is a nonfiction book about the generational changes in society between the Boomer years and what is now considered to be Generation Me, those born in 1970-1990. Her main point and focus through out the book is how this Generation Me has become 'an army of little narcissists' (Twenge 70) due to a 'society wide effort to increase children's self-esteem' (Twenge 53). Although that seems to be her main point Twenge does also include chapters on things such as the increase in sexual activity and 'the disconnect between sex and emotional involvement' (Twenge 167) as well a chapter on how to apply what you have learned from this book into life as a parent or marketer.
Twenge presents her information through excessively long chapters broken down into shorter sub-chapters. It's all presented very factually with small stories in between and the reader can tell she did her research very well. The draw back to the way she has laid the book out is that it makes it very long and at times hard to get through with a lot of almost irrelevant and excessive information. Another draw back to this book is that some could say Twenge is biased due to the idea that she is part of Generation Me. In parts when she is describing this generations narcissism and increasing sexual activity with 'sex within boyfriend-girlfriend relationships begins [beginning] at younger and younger ages' (Twenge 160) she seems almost okay with what should be seen as a bad thing. Despite these draw back the book was over all very interesting and explained many reasons as to why there seems to be this huge generation gap between Generation Me and the Boomers.


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