The Alchemyst by Michael Scott | Teen Ink

The Alchemyst by Michael Scott

September 22, 2015
By Biene BRONZE, Berlin, California
Biene BRONZE, Berlin, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This novel is about Nicholas Flamel, an alchemyst who lived for many hundred years due to the potion of life he created. In the modern world, he teams up with the twins Sophie and Josh to protect the old book of ancient magic from Dr. John Dee. It’s a packing story full of adventures and  fantasy creatures.

When Dr. Dee steals the book from Nicholas and kidnaps his wife Penerelle, Josh manages to ripp out the most important pages and Dr Dee can’t complete his task–To bring the ancient dark elders to life again. But Dr. Dee has mighty allies and they attack them with rats and crows. The friends manage to escape with the help of Scahatch, a young elder and Hekate, an elder living in a giant Shadowrealm looking like a big tree.

In Hekate’s Shadowrealm the twins learn, that they have powerful auras and are destined to  either save or destroy the world. Hekate awakens Sophie’s magical potential which strengthens her senses and gives her the ability to do magic.

The Shadowrealm is attacked by Dee and his allies. Hekate dies, before she can awaken Josh’s magical potential and the twins, Scahatch and Nicholas need to flee.

They head to Ojai, were Scahatch’s grandma lives. She gives the power of wind to Sophie and Dee finds them. He attacks them with living-deads    and Josh saves them by driving a car into the skeletons.

Dee escapes and Penerelle is in Alcatraz, not knowing were her husband is.


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