Indelible | Teen Ink


August 21, 2015
By jade21 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
jade21 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Occasionally a book catches my eye by the cover. This does not mean it is always good, but it does happen to make me more interested in what that particular novel is about. That is how I came across the book Indelible. In my opinion this is an action filled novel that surprises you throughout the entire story. I was intrigued and could not put this novel down. The beginning of the book starts of at a slow pace because the author is explaining the main character, Joy Malone’s life and who she is. After you begin to learn who Joy is she is thrown into an unimaginable world with magic, dangerous beings and love.
Joy Malone is a normal teenage girl with an extraordinary gift. She is being raised by her single father. Joy is an introvert and never makes plans to go out unless she is with her best friend Monica. An unexpected event occurs and changes Joy’s normal life to an extraordinary experience when she has an encounter with Indelible Ink. Indelible Ink is a very mysterious teenage boy who comes from the magical world of the Twixt. When I first read about Ink I was very curious of who he was and why Joy was so much of a threat to his world because she was able to see him. After reading on I realized what the Twixt was and why Joy was so dangerous. The series of events that unfold throughout the rest of the book will leave you wanting more.
Throughout the beginning of Indelible I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to continue this book or not. As I said before the beginning of this story is not exactly exciting. Although I did decide against not finishing this book and it was a great decision. Personally, I loved Indelible and the storyline was very interesting to me. However, I would not recommend this book to people who want a fast paced read with lots of intensity. This story takes time to reach the climax, but once you reach it you are glued to the page.


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