Rabbit Hill | Teen Ink

Rabbit Hill

March 30, 2015
By Ponoy BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Ponoy BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rabbit Hill

1.  In this book the main character was Little Georgie.  He had to decide weather or not he would go on a 2-day journey to find his Uncle Analdas.  He chose to do it because he is family who was struggling on his own.
2. Little Georgie took care of his uncle who was old and could not read.  Little Georgie made sure that Uncle Analdas was safe and hade food to eat.  This is a strong characteristic because it show that he cares for his family.
3. Little Georgie and all of his family had to persevere through the hard time of less and less food and water being available for them.
4. Little Georgie and his family and friends decided to help out the people they called new folks plant new plants.  They need to help take care because before they had no food and now they have an opportunity to have food.
5. Little Georgie had to fight through the pain of getting hit by a car.  All of his family and friend thought he was dead until a family of new folks took him in and took care of him.
6. Little Georgie tells everybody that the Folks that took care of him has food and vegetables enough for all of them.  He did this to help everybody out so that they would not starve.  This was a big event because Little Georgie could have not told anyone and save it for his family.


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