Two Minute Drill by Mike Lupica | Teen Ink

Two Minute Drill by Mike Lupica

January 13, 2009
By Anonymous

Imagine yourself, the new kid, the geek, but a geek who loves football. In the book Two Minute Drill by, Mike Lupica, part of the Comeback Kids series, Scott Parry the new kid is already being bullied around school, but the quarterback Chris Collan won't have it. Scott Parry the “geek” has a hidden talent, he is an amazing kicker. He decides to try out for the football team, being convinced by Chris Collan, after showing him his talent on his own personal football field, but no one else knows why he would attempt it. Maybe he can let his talent shine through at the perfect time.

I personally enjoyed the book, because I could relate to it, being a football player. It is a quick read, finishing in about two days, but may be a bit too easy for some middle schoolers. It gives great descriptions of the football plays and the environment. In the play-by-play action you feel almost as if your at the game, and you can see Scott Parry's football field as he walks you through it.
Many kids in middle school could relate to it because it brings out the hard times for some kids when it comes to bullying, but this is especially a book for someone who loves any sport.


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