An Unlucky Bird | Teen Ink

An Unlucky Bird

March 13, 2015
By Momay Hattasongkroh BRONZE, Bangkok, Alaska
Momay Hattasongkroh BRONZE, Bangkok, Alaska
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Do you think a girl should have literacy? A Homeless bird, which was written by Gloria Whelan, is a story about  sixteen Indian girl  name Koly. She lives in a village far from the city. She has two brothers and parents. But her mother plans to kick her out of  the village by marriage. I think back to 2000 it is a good realistic fiction many people would like it but for me I do not like this book.
Koly’s mother looks for some man to marry with Koly and she finds one his name is Hari. He knows how to read and write. Koly’s parents think he is good enough for their daughter. But there is some mystery about Hari. Koly wants to have literacy but her parents do not agree with her. She asks her brothers to teach her. But her attempt is fail. She marries with Hari. At Hari’s house Hari’s father  teaches Koly to read and write. Although Koly gets what she wants but Koly also has to works hard takes care all household. She doesn’t have money or choice. Anything else is many conflicts that Koly has to face and pass it all more than every young girl can do.
An unbelievable character. Protagonist  of Homeless Bird Koly she  doesn’t look real or round. Koly is a girl who really easy to believe what people say. Hari’s mother wants Koly  to wait her and she says she will be back. But the result is Hari’s mother never comes back. I know inside Koly mind so that why I’m more sure that she is unbelieveable character. Some character in Homeless Bird is death but Koly respond is nothing. I know in the world there are many of people type but for me Koly doesn’t seem real anywhere.
About author and her writing style. I can predict what will happen next. For sure Koly’s friend who has a bad personality invites Koly to go to her house. After I read I Know Koly will get something that no good. Koly has something mean to her. The author writes about it in many chapters. I guess Koly and her thing and I’m right.Sure it has some surprise, but it isn’t fun enough for me.
I detest  to learning some custom. I go to Nepal and I quite disagree with Nepalese, Indian and Asian custom. Sometime for me it is too bored when I have to do something I don’t care about or dislike it and don’t want to know about it. I do not like this book because I don’t like to read a realistic. Koly’s mother doesn’t care much about her daughter. Koly after her mom gives Koly away just a young girl out of home lonely and no one cares her. Koly’s parents are less responsibility. They just do not have money to take care their only daughter.
Homeless Bird  reminds me lot of  my bad experiences about my custom. Which is Thai and Chinese custom. Many Asian woman would better understand what I mean. In the house some of Asian parents take care boys better than  girls. Although they both their children same as Homeless Bird. It make me upset when I read this book.
Dear  my reader I have to tell you this do not waste your time with this book. It will give you nothing. If you haeve  time to read my  book review then I hope you will have some time to find some other good book else to read.


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