Aquamarine by Alice Hoffman | Teen Ink

Aquamarine by Alice Hoffman

February 3, 2015
By ChiantiKiki BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
ChiantiKiki BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
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Do you believe in mermaids? Well in this book called “Aquamarine” two twelve-year-old girls named Haley and Claire find out that mermaids really do exist after seeing one the day after a horrendous storm. Aquamarine was the name of the mermaid and she was quite selfish and sassy, but on her journey with both Haley and Claire she learned many knew things. Aquamarine wasn‘t only sassy but she was determined to prove to her father that true love does exist in both the book and movie. I believe the movie was better than the book.
There were many differences between the book and the movie. One of those differences is in the beginning. In the book it was shown that the girls were friends with Raymond from previous years, but in the movie Raymond hardly knew they existed until the end of the movie. Another difference between the book and movie was that they used a wheelchair to get Aquamarine out of the water in the book. In the movie, Aquamarine got out of the water herself because the workers of Capri Beach were draining the pool. Once Aquamarine got out of the pool she became a human, but the only exception was that she would turn back into a mermaid after sunset. I think most of the actors in the movie matched how they were described in the book. One of those actors was Aquamarine. Aquamarine was described in the book as a beautiful girl with silver scales, sea-blue eyes, and blonde hair. Another character was Raymond who was described handsome, which he turned out to be in the movie. The only actors I think that should have changed were Haley and Claire. In the book they were described as 12 year olds, but in the movie they looked about 15. I think with the small changes, it would‘ve made the movie and book more similar rather than different.
I personally like the movie better than the book because it had a better storyline and made more sense. I think if the author had better events that made sense, I would have liked the book better. Something I liked in the book was the many figurative language, word choices, and descriptions the author wrote. I think you should watch the movie first because you would start off with a better idea of how it goes. I also think you should watch the movie first because while you‘re reading you‘ll have the movie playing in your head, so you can compare and figure out the differences from the movie and book. Other than the book being, not as good as I thought it was, Aquamarine is still a good story.


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