Little Women | Teen Ink

Little Women

December 4, 2014
By liliyflores BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
liliyflores BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott


It takes place in England during the Civil war.  There are four March sisters. Meg,is the oldest, she's materialistic. Jo is a writer and a tomboy. Beth is a shy girl, that loves music. Amy is the youngest, she's a little selfish but very social and elegant. There father is off in the war.

Alcott does a good job going into each characters. Giving them a sense of liveliness that no other author can do. Going the reader an opportunity to identify themselves with a character. I personally enjoyed reading about exuberant tomboyish Jo. The actions she took are actions I would of also done myself. For example, she goes to New York to pursue her dream of being a writer. I would have done the same, if I were her.

I believe this book is an amazing read. Its just so real in many aspects. The girls aren't perfect little angels. They are young women who mess up and do mistakes. They are poor they don't have much. They dad isn't with them he's off in war. Many people can see themselves in their shoes. The characters are simple in a way but so incredible unique. I would say the author did an amazing job in characterization. If you like to feel connected to the characters in a book I would highly recommend reading Little Women.


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