Pretty Little Liars | Teen Ink

Pretty Little Liars

November 20, 2014
By Anonymous

Flawless (Pretty Little Liars, Book 2)/ Sara Shepard                     Philadelphia’s Main Line, 2008, 330 pp.
Drama, Mystery, and fiction

Mind blowing isn’t it? You four girls will soon feel my pain and you will suffer, and I don’t care if you have your own problems…but can you handle mine?  Imagine Ali saying this. Is Ali “A”, no it can’t be. She’s dead…I hope so. Ali is the only one who knows their secrets, well as it seems.
Alison, Ali, has to have the four B’s of popularity: boys, brains, perfect body, and beauty.  She also had her amazing BFF’s: Aria, Hanna, Emily, and Spencer. Life is just going great isn’t it, until one day suddenly Ali is found dead underground, happened to believe she’s buried alive. Mysteriously sudden text messages from the letter ‘A’ delivers to the four best friends. Mind twisting confusion, danger, betrayal, and surprises lay ahead of you in this book Flawless.

Sara Shepard is an outstanding author. She totally knew what and how she was going to write this. She achieved her purpose for this book. This was suspenseful and brought me goose bumps to my arms. The strengths in this book brought me to the point that I wanted to give you an award. One reason is you put a movie in my head. I could see the characters in the book playing their parts. I could imagine their confusion and mood because at most times I felt the same way. The second reason is you matched the book with the show. Most of the time books don’t match with the movies and TV shows. You wanted to make sense to match it with the show so it won’t be confusing and/or have negative comments and that’s a good thing and I don’t even watch Pretty Little Liars.  I found this book very interesting. It caught me in my feelings, like I wanted to punch the character and sometimes throw the book. At cried at the end of the book, which whoever wants to read it you’ll find out when you do. Toby is a very suspicious character in the book. He scared the heck out of me. He’s creepy but sweet and he was innocent. “He’ll randomly appear when you’re gossiping with your best friends-except maybe it’s not so random at all. He’s a black cat who seems to know your route. If he rides by your house, you think, I’m going to fail my bio exam. If he looks at you funny, watch your back. Pg. 5.”Kids under 12 should not read this due to language and certain behavior in the book. Also suggested for mature.

I loved this book sooooooooo much. It drew me forward. I’m thinking about reading all the other book in this series. This book left me with excitement, shock, faithful, and fear. If you’re a book lover and you love drama, horror, and mystery, read this book now. It is worth every penny. You’ll want to act like you lost a book that belonged to the library and pay money for it just to have it for yourself. This book is fantastic.


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