13 reasons why by Jay Asher | Teen Ink

13 reasons why by Jay Asher

November 13, 2014
By LivMB GOLD, Amery, Wisconsin
LivMB GOLD, Amery, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just be happy and if you can't be happy do things that make you happy or do nothing with the people that make you happy." -Esther Earl 1994-2010

I am currently in the middle of reading this book for the third time. It is a book about a girl who decides to end her life. Before doing this, she comes up with a list of all the people who played a role in her decision. She records herself on cassette tapes talking about what they did to play a part in her decision. Now she isn't saying that her decision was their fault, she states in the book that it all came down to her giving up on herself. This book shows how little things you do, say, believe effects people in ways you can't even imagine. You have no idea what is going on in someones' s life and something that may seem harmless could greatly effect someone's life. This book changed my perspective on life and tought me to watch what I say and think about how my actions will effect someone before I do them because once I do something or say something, you can't take it back or change it.

The author's comments:

13 reasons why by Jay Asher


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