Leon's Story by Leon Walter Tillage | Teen Ink

Leon's Story by Leon Walter Tillage

December 5, 2008
By Anonymous

In the book Leon's Story, Leon Walter Tillage does a great job telling the reader what life was like for a normal black man and child. I personally thought that this book was very entertaining, understanding, and overall an amazing book. The main character Leon is growing up in a small farm town, in North Carolina. His whole family works on a farm. Leon has trouble with getting along with the white people, over his years. White men and women cost Leon pain, cruelty, and tragedy. Leon's family is harassed almost every day. Leon lost his father due to a wild, underage, drunk, and out of control, white teenage boy, hitting him with his car. The book tells a lot about growing up in those days. This book is Historical Non-Fiction, and I loved it. I highly recommend it to the ages of 12- and older.


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