Cinder by Marissa Meyer | Teen Ink

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

September 18, 2014
By RainbowzBest BRONZE, Jamestown, South Carolina
RainbowzBest BRONZE, Jamestown, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  Cinder is a 16 year old girl or at least she was a full girl until something terrible happened to her.  Now she is half girl, half cyborg and all she ever wanted was to fit in with everyone else and get to go to the ball. She also wanted to meet the very handsome prince named Kai, but she knew that none of this would ever happen to her. One day, Prince Kai came to her job as a customer and ever since then she tried her best to keep in contact with him. From that point conflict starts to arise and things start to get serious.
  Some might say (including me) that Cinder is dystopian literature because the society was controlled by electronic devices.  Some people had many questions about how their society was run and others liked their society for reasons that didn’t seem to make sense.  It was not as perfect as it could have been if the government had a little more control over what their people did.
  Others might say that Cinder is an utopian literature because the government had all of these high-tech things in their society that worked perfectly fine all the time. It also helped to keep everything and everyone in check. 
  Something people might miss when they’re agreeing whether or not its utopian literature is that the people who worked with the society did not always do their jobs right. They would tell their people one thing and what happens is sometimes the opposite. This is also what led to all of the disasters/chaos that they dealt with just about every day. No matter what type of literature Cinder is, it will still be an awesome novel to read.


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