Legend by Marie Lu | Teen Ink

Legend by Marie Lu

September 18, 2014
By jackson weathers BRONZE, Monck Corner, South Carolina
jackson weathers BRONZE, Monck Corner, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book series ‘Legend’ Is a form of a dystopia. The society in Legend fits many descriptions and characteristics of a dystopian society. Just to think that we could have a world like that is scary to even think about. This book is very suspenseful and intense, and Marie Lu does a great job writing this terrific series.

The author of the series does a great job showing each characters feelings and emotions towards each other and the government. The characters are very diverse. They both have different strengths and different abilities, although they feel the same hatred towards the government. The characters perfectly fit the dystopian characteristics. The characters do not know what is going on ‘behind the scenes’ with the government, while always feeling trapped, and being ruled by a totalitarian government and the citizens having no power.
Marie Lu does a fantastic job at creating the society that the characters live in, one living in poverty trying to escape from the government, and one working inside the government living in riches. The society is totally controlled by the government. The citizens have no power at all. The government in this book forbids anyone to know about the government, and if they start figuring the secret out, they shall be killed. The government also uses tons of propaganda, and is always telling lies to their world. Even the people that work for the government aren’t allowed to know anything, except for the president.
There are ways that some people may say that legend is a utopia, but not very many. The reasons they could be is because of the test they take when they are ten. If you score well you may live a very good life in the military, but if you do not score well and fail, they ‘experiment on you’ (also known as killing you). The tests in this book are no ordinary test, they are frightening and have a bunch of requirements.
These are just few reasons why the novel series is dystopina. I also give this book two thumbs up.


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