The Serpents Shadow by Rick Rioedan | Teen Ink

The Serpents Shadow by Rick Rioedan

August 29, 2014
By Browski3000 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Browski3000 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
That is what she said

     This book,"The Serpents Shadow," is full of action and fun for all readers. When you buy this book, you are buying a book full of suspense. Read this book now before you lose the chance. Once you start reading you won't be physically able to stop. This book was written by Rick Riordan, one of New York's best selling authors. I highly recommend this book to everybody. Will Sadie and Carter defeat Apophis or will the world turn into chaos? Only you can find the answer.


     The Serpents Shadow seems to fit ages from 10-16. The information given in the review says it is for ages10-14. I disagree because I think older teenagers will also enjoy this book. This book's plot is pretty easy to understand if you have read the first two books of the series. The plot is fun, exciting, and full of surprises and thrills.


     The writer in the book speaks from two exciting points of views. He speaks from Sadie who is the girl and Carter who is the boy. The writer is emotional in this heart-pounding book. When something happens he makes you feel like it is actually happening in real life. It makes you want to read the next page after the next and so on. You never want to stop reading this book and when you finish it makes you feel like you want him to write a thousand more books for that series. Here's an example of a quote from the book," There's my baby!" I cried," There's my Poochienkins."


     This book is about a brother and a sister that tries to save the world from the evil serpent named,"Apophis." They travel around the world trying to figure out clues, so they can defeat Apophis with a certain spell. Mean-while, they live at the Brooklyn House along with many trainees that follow the path of the gods. They fight chaos with ancient Egyptian ways. Can they do it, or will the world be turned into chaos forever?


     Overall this is one of the top five books I have ever read. Rick Riordan is by far, my all time favorite author. I have read all of his books and I have loved each and every one of them. I am also planning on reading all of his future books to come. If you need to read a book for a project or just for fun, I highly recommend this book. That is why I love this book.


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