The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

August 29, 2014
By Anonymous

      The Fault in Our Stars is an exciting emotional roller coaster.  There's sad parts, happy parts, and even funny parts.  John Green did an amazing job writing this book.  If you haven't read this book and you like dramatic romance kind of books then this is the book for you.  Trust me you won't regret reading this book. 



     The book The Fault In Our Stars is more of a teenage book.  The vocabulary isn't bad if you are mature enough to handle it.  I think if you are ten or younger you won't like it or understand it as much as you would if you were a teenager.  It's more of a mature subject.  There is a bunch of strong topics in this book.



      John green has a serious voice in some parts.  In the others he is funny or happy.  Cancer is a serious matter.  I think it's hard for people to write about cancer because it's sad and people die from it every day.  But John Green did an amazing job.



     This book is about a sixteen year old girl named Hazel who has thyroid cancer and mets in the lungs.  One day Hazel meets a guy named Augustus Waters, and everything changes.  Augustus also has cancer and and he lost one of his legs because of it.  Augustus soon develops a crush on Hazel and Hazel feels the same way.  Hazel and Augustus end up spending a lot of time together.  Hazel is always with Augustus and they go out and enjoy themselves.  They both read a book called 'An Imperial Affection'.  Hazel has questions for the writer Mr. Van Houten.  So Augustus takes Hazel to Amsterdam to ask him the questions.  What do you think will happen while they are in Amsterdam.  



     I recommend this book to anyone and everyone who can read.  I think girls would like this book more then boys but I do think it's an amazing book.  In this book there are wild and bumpy journeys through out the relationship of Hazel and Augustus.  Like I said earlier it's a dramatic romance.  If you like to read and like dramatic romances then you should read this book.   


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