Rules by Cynthia Lord | Teen Ink

Rules by Cynthia Lord

December 17, 2008
By Jessica Cox PLATINUM, Dexter, Michigan
Jessica Cox PLATINUM, Dexter, Michigan
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I really want to be her friend. Does she like me? Am I trying too hard? Why do I have to lie to her? My book I read is called Rules by Cynthia Lord.

Catherine has a special ed brother. He has to go to therapy a couple times a week and he is a huge embarrassment to Catherine. He yells and screams unless he gets his way. When Catherine’s neighbor moves away a new girl named Kristi moves in and is Catherine’s age. Catherine tries really hard to become friends with Kristi. At therapy Catherine becomes really good friends with Jason. Jason is in a wheelchair and he can’t talk unless he has his wordbook. Kristi thinks Catherine likes Jason and always teases Catherine. Catherine does not want to tell her the truth so she lies to Kristi. Then Kristi tells Catherine to invite Jason to the dance. What will Catherine say? Read the book and you will find out.

This was a great book! It was one of the best books I have ever read. There were really good vocabulary words in it that made the book that much better. The one thing I liked about the book is the writing style. She wrote very clear and used lots of good descriptive words. She puts a really good picture in my head when I read the book. It had an awesome plot. I liked the dialogue sections they w ere really good. I felt like I could not put the book down. Every chapter was a cliffhanger making me want to read more and more and more. I was connecting a lot with the characters and that made the book that much better. I would recommend this book to people that like a fast moving book. If you like books you will never want to put down than this would be the book for you. Once you start you will never be able to stop. This is the best book I have ever read! If you read I am sure you would agree with me to!


This article has 1 comment.

ShiningStars said...
on Feb. 18 2011 at 8:13 pm
I live this book so much that I read it over and over and over and over and over again loke 100 times!!!111