Flip. by Martin Bedford | Teen Ink

Flip. by Martin Bedford

August 14, 2014
By Ponoy BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Ponoy BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

By – Martyn Bedford
Genre – YA Fiction
Plot –

In the book “Flip”, 14 year old Alex Grey fell asleep on December 21, but woke up in the month of June, the following year in another boy’s body named Phillip Garamond. Alex panicked wondering how he ended up in another boy’s body. He also wondered where his original body was. After going back to his hometown in Phillip’s body, Alex found out the truth about himself. He was the victim of a hit and run incident and was found in a coma in London for the past six months. The good news was that his body was still alive.

Now Alex (still in Phillip’s body) had noticed that both of their lives were completely different. Even though Alex tried his hardest to adjust to Phillips life, it was just too difficult. Phillip was all the things Alex was not. Phillip was popular, athletic, and had two girlfriends.

While doing research on the computer, Alex found out that he was not the only person that had experienced this extreme tragedy. The only difference was that Alex’s original body remained alive whiled the other people who experienced this died. Although Alex had to live in Phillip’s body, he wished that he didn’t have to because he missed his own family and friends. Alex also realized that the nightmares that he was having was a sign that Phillip was fighting for his body too.
How I feel –

I really felt that this book was captivating. This author was really good at writing scenes that you could picture in your mind. Reading books like this makes you wonder what’s going to happen next. It also makes it fun to read. I hope that I can read another book written by this author or books similar to this book “FLIP”.

About the Author –

Martyn Bedford currently teaches at Leeds Trinity University College, with a list of five novels written for adults. “Flip” is his first novel that was written for young adults. He lives in West York-Shire England, with his wife and two k


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