Eva Underground | Teen Ink

Eva Underground

December 12, 2008
By Anonymous

Dandi Daley Mackall's Eva Underground was one of the best books I have read in a long time. A truly original book that I read in one sitting, Eva Underground has likable characters along with historical accuracy.
The book takes place in 1978. Eva Lott is a normal teenager, who is just looking forward to her upcoming senior year. She has a boyfriend and just made the swim team. Everything is going well in her life. That is, until her farther announces their moving to communist Poland to help in the on going freedom movement.
Eva didn't want to go to Poland in the first place, and certainly doesn't change her mind when she first gets there. She misses her friends, her room, and most of all, hot water. However, slowly as the book progresses, Eva changes her perspective. She meets Tomek, an interpreter, and connects to him in a way she never thought possible. At the same time, Eva begins to truly understand the spirit of Poland.
As the danger and her affections for Tomek grow, Eva begins to question what is really important in life. Eva Underground reminds you that even when your life is good, other people's aren't. This book will not only truly make you appreciate what you have, it will also give you an interesting view on love, life, and communism.


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