The Last Apprentice: Rage of the Fallen by Joseph Delaney | Teen Ink

The Last Apprentice: Rage of the Fallen by Joseph Delaney

June 19, 2014
By kkenb1501 SILVER, Minneapolis, Minnesota
kkenb1501 SILVER, Minneapolis, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am hugely disappointed. The Wardstone Chronicles used to be one of my favorite book series. I was never able to put it down yet I was terrified at the same time. It's true that this time around I wasn't able to put the book down but that was only out of desire for more. I kept reading and hoping I would find the faintest glimmer of the series I once loved. It wasn't there. The good news is, I did appreciate some of the plot points and found it very creative.The bad news, nearly everything else. To start off, the characters had no emotional depth. To me, they all had the same personality and if one was killed, even the main protagonist, I probably wouldn't really care. Also, the characters were never truly in any real danger. The problems felt all too easy. Seemingly impossible enigmas that quickly led to easy answers. There was no suspense, no build-up. Solutions were found immediately. Random new tangents were also thrown in to the plot. One thing would get solved very quickly and then a new problem would arise. It was very tiresome to read. Even the scariest of all demons, the Fiend, was made decidedly less horrifying in the way he easily became entrapped. Overall, this book really disappointed me. My old favorite series is either really deteriorating or I'm just growing up.


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