Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard | Teen Ink

Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard

May 28, 2014
By Kellirose BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Kellirose BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Are They Liars?

Imagine always being watched. Someone knowing all of your secrets, threatening to tell them, and even trying to hurt you. This is what it’s like being the Pretty Little Liars. This series is a crazy and surprising sixteen book adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Now a hit TV show, the liars experience some thrilling rides throughout the series that is “Pretty Little Liars”. I have things I like and don’t like about it. The author, Sara Shepard, is a great author and makes the series so addictive.
WARNING: Spoilers may be beyond this point.

The Pretty Little Liars is about four friends (Aria, Spencer, Hannah, and Emily). Until she disappeared one summer night, the leader of this daring group was Alison DiLaurentis, or Ali. When the book series starts, they are juniors in High School. But the liars had already drifted apart since Middle School. Suddenly, each of the girls got mysterious texts about their secrets. Each of the texts were signed off with the letter “A.” Only one person could of known their secrets and that person was Ali. After this Hannah, Emily, Aria, and Spencer tell each other about the crazy texts they got. When these texts continue, the girls decide they are going to find out who is sending them. After all signs point to Ali being dead, could it be possible that she is sending these texts? These four friends get themselves into a lot of dangerous situations.

Personally, I really like the Pretty Little Liars series. I love how exciting the storyline is. For example: Emily, Spencer, Hannah, and Aria, have near death experiences throughout the course of this exciting and thrilling book series. In addition, I like the cliffhangers at the end of each book, it really makes me more excited to read the rest of the books. On the other hand, there are a few things that I don’t enjoy. For instance: The series was really good to start with, but towards the end, it slowly started being less interesting. Also, the series got excessively long. There are fourteen books right now and Sara Shepard plans to make sixteen books. I think the Pretty Little Liars would have been a lot better if it was shorter and the author cut out some pointless information. If Sara Shepard did that, the series wouldn’t have been dragged on for so long to find out who “A” was. Still on book fourteen, I am not sure who “A” is. For Example: Hannah, Aria, Emily, and Spencer keep thinking they found out who “A” is. Eventually, they find out “A” wasn’t the person who the thought it was. After a few books, I should know who “A” is. Even though are a few downfalls to this series, it overall is great series.

The author, Sara Shepard makes the series very addicting. Once someone starts the series they won’t be able to stop reading. The author does this by using some good techniques. For instance: She is very detailed and explains situations well. Sara Shepard is so detailed in the Pretty Little Liars. She makes it seems like you are right there watching everything happen. Also, the author explains the situation so well. For how crazy the situations can be it makes perfect sense how she explains them. Sara Shepard amazes me how she thinks of these crazy plot twists. For example: Spencer finds out that her old friend Ali, was really her half-sister. Almost at the end of each of these books there are a big plot twists. Sara Shepard definitely has a talent for writing addicting books.

Imagine if you were being watched and someone knew all of your secrets. Pretty Little Liars are a must read series. The series has everything that is good in books, excitement, horror, adventure, and drama. There is an interesting storyline. Overall, I personally like the series. Sara Shepard makes it very addicting and hard to stop reading. This series will leave anyone that reads it on the edge of their seat. Once one starts reading this thrilling series about four girls’ escapes from death, they won't be able to stop until they find A.

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