Ungifted by Gordon Korman | Teen Ink

Ungifted by Gordon Korman

May 22, 2014
By ndj423 SILVER, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
ndj423 SILVER, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
8 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Maybe writing a second person, present tense novel about a dead bumble bee slowly rotting in the grill of a VW Rabbit wasn't such a good idea."

Meet Donovan Curtis. He’s your stereotypical troublemaker…or so it seems. When his name, destined for the detention-and-call-parent list, accidentally ends up on the enrollment sheet for the Academy of Scholastic Distinction, everyone is surprised. His condemnation to The List consisted of a daring prank that even Donnie thinks has gotten out of control. This whole episode results in his eventual inclusion into the ASD robotics team. His homeroom teacher, nicknamed ‘Oz’, along with his newfound friends, is awestruck by both his normalcy and his creativity.

When the huge regional robot rumble looms above the students’ heads, Don decides to step up and pilot the ‘bot. When the tables are turned, however, a split-second decision must be made: to sabotage and survive, though disqualified, or let it be and lose?

I would definitely recommend Ungifted for any science-loving, robot-friendly nerd types.


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