Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

May 8, 2014
By jackpurdon BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
jackpurdon BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book Divergent is a good Utopian besides the fact of a few errors I thought Veronica Roth could have changed. Here are some things I liked and didn't liked about the book.
First off I liked the fact it was in Chicago, I have never been to Chicago but I could feel the temperature and weather during this book (not literally). I like the fact she doesn't state the time. It allows me to imagine whatever I want about the scene or buildings. She most likely did not state the time because of the advanced technology and she didn't know when the technology will or ever will come. It makes me think of the future and give a picture in my mind of Chicago in the future.
The main character Beatrice is a good choice for the book. A tall skinny girl with a long nose makes a good character because she gets beat up a lot. If she was able to beat these people up it wouldn't build up a good conflict or build the hatred against the conflict or antagonists. Her feelings and emotions change along the book as well as her physical appearance.
The antagonist, Jeanine, could have used some work. She doesn't get mentioned during the beginning that much so I don't feel that much hate towards her. I would have liked Veronica Roth to make her done something worse to Beatrice. Although she did basically do something terrible to Beatrice it didn't directly point to the antagonist directly.
The climax was not how I would have wanted it to be. Ending important characters lives didn't feel that emotional. I would have liked Veronica Roth to have make a stronger connection with the characters who were ended. This would have made me hate the antagonist more. Also the climax went to fast by not reminding us of the deaths of people.
Those were just some of the big errors I felt needed to be changed. Overall I would say it was decent. I didn't really feel the hype about it some people had about it. Some people compared it to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Which in my opinion was a better book. Another Utopian I thought was better was the Maze Runner by James Dashner. I'm still debating if I am going to read the rest of the series.

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