Looking for Alaska by John Green | Teen Ink

Looking for Alaska by John Green

May 1, 2014
By mmiles BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
mmiles BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
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An Unsolvable Mystery

The popular story, Looking for Alaska by John Green, is an interesting mystery story with a romantic twist. The main character Miles Halter, also known as Pudge, decides to make a change in his boring and unsocial life by moving to Alabama to go to Culver Creek boarding school. Miles comes out of his shell by rooming with a trouble making boy, as well as becoming infatuated with a girl named Alaska Young. Alaska teaches Miles how truly mysterious girls are. She mesmerizes him with her hot looks and sassy personality. I will not give away the ending, but Alaska suddenly is missing after her and Miles finally take their flirtatious relationship to the next level in her dorm room, leaving him with an overload of questions. Throughout the novel you are always on the edge of your seat, engaged, and wondering when and if the questions will ever be answered.

Looking for Alaska is an easy read for teens because it is relatable to their life, and is written in a way that is easily understood. Looking for Alaska is relatable to a teen’s life because it is in the typical mindset of a high school teenager. It is realistic that it is easy to relate to in regards to the study groups, get togethers, drinking, partying, relationships, family drama, and school grades. This means it has little to no escape from realism, but is highly reflected by real life situations. All of those real life situations tie in with personal beliefs and values of people. Alaska and Miles show the fun of making bad decisions, but also the consequences. The book shows a teen how short term happiness can majorly affect the future.

Looking for Alaska is a relatable teen novel with a mysterious and romantic story line. I would recommend reading this book if you are a teen or young adult because it is well written for that age range. It is also a definite page turner because it is very interesting and keeps you always asking questions and demanding answers from the text. It displays personal beliefs and reflection of real life stations. Looking for Alaska is the perfect book for teens to relate too! Read it!

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