The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken | Teen Ink

The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken

April 16, 2014
By Anonymous

The Darkest Minds is simply amazing. Alexandra Bracken creates a story that will leave you wanting more. I love how strong the characters are: Ruby and Liam, for example. Liam is gentle, but is a strong leader that people look up to, while Ruby is just as strong but doubts herself.

I myself, am not a fan of Dystopia, but with Bracken I can make an exception. The whole book just has you captivated from beginning to the very last page. One criticism I have, is that I wished she would have given more depth to the characters. For example: I was hoping we were going to get more background information about Chubs and why he didn’t trust people. Or he is so protective over Liam and Zu. Another criticism I have is I wished we could have gotten a little more information about the compounds and the testings on the children.

But honestly the story was told with amazing clarity. The book to me is vivid with imagination: I promise this- it will not disappoint. Make sure you have a lot of free time if you are thinking about reading this; you won’t want to put it down. Through out Ruby is figuring out her powers, trying to find the East River and trying to understand undeniable romance between her and Liam. You’ll have yourself immersed before you can help it. The way Alexandra creates the story, I love it! She makes you believe something, then makes you second guess;It is truly heart tugging! With Alexandra, I haven’t always have been a huge fan.I have always thought her books were good, but this book just blows all the others out of the water. The way she writes the book, draws you in and enchants you with every page. Alexandra writes the book so well it is almost scary real. The ending, I must warn you,left me in tears. If you have not ever read anything by her or have read this book, I highly recommend you do...Like right now

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Inshinira said...
on May. 10 2014 at 9:32 pm
I've been browsing all over the web, but I just can't findd it. Am I the only one who thinks Clancy is a total freak/psycho/kinda hottie??? Everytime I read when they are having lessons I had a bad feeling about it. I just can't get to hate Clancy even if I kinda do but don't, kinda like him. Well it's complicated and I'd like to know someone elses opinion on Clancy.