Breaking Dawn | Teen Ink

Breaking Dawn

November 25, 2008
By Kathleen Young BRONZE, Bethel, Alaska
Kathleen Young BRONZE, Bethel, Alaska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Breaking Dawn is part of a series of beautiful, almost God- like vampires. Stephanie found a way to take the devil like creatures of the night, and turn them into an unnaturally strong family of gifted vampires. This book series will have you holding your breath, waiting and reading for what happens next.

Bella Swan and Edward Cullen have gone through some very tough and dangerous times. From being chased by James and Victoria, and to nearly being killed by a band of newborn vampires. But now, no one is chasing them on their honeymoon, but they are in a lot of danger. Bella is nearly killed by the one she loves most. but refuses to lose her. Now the Vulturi are after them and they are in the most danger they have ever been in.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves vampire, or to anyone who loves books about dangerous love. The Twilight series will make you feel as if the Cullen's are living among you. It will have you looking out for vampires and wolves. You'll be wanting more.


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