Romeo and Juliet | Teen Ink

Romeo and Juliet

March 26, 2014
By Anonymous

Juliet is impetuous to find a way to avoid getting married to Paris. She seeks the help of Friar Laurence. He first shows her a potion that will put her in a sleeping coma making it look like a real death. It will trick anyone and Juliet’s family will have to cancel the wedding. When Juliet agrees that she will do anything to not marry and be with Romeo, Friar Laurence gives her the potion. As evidence, Juliet tells him “And I will do it without fear or doubt, to live an unstained wife to my sweet love” (IV. I. 34). then she is brave enough to face the transitions of the potion. For the same reason, Juliet is also very courageous for drinking the Friar’s potion by telling him that she would rather be places somewhere frightening than getting married. According to the story, Juliet says” O, bid me leap, rather than marry Paris” (IV.I. 34). Romeo is very important to Juliet that motivates her to face any obstacles. Nothing will get in her way of getting separated from her one and only love.


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