Hornet Flight by Ken Follett | Teen Ink

Hornet Flight by Ken Follett

March 9, 2014
By Ailsa GOLD, Marietta, Georgia
Ailsa GOLD, Marietta, Georgia
12 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" - Arthur Conan Doyle

Hornet Flight, a New York best seller, is an action packed novel about Denmark in 1941. Ken Follett was inspired by a tale of two pilots who flew from Denmark to Britain in World War two. This true story lead to the tale of Harold Olufsen, an 18 year old genius living in a country overrun with Natzi's. Britain at this time has lost half of their air force, and Germany is one invasion away from taking Russia. Germany's superior technology crippled the allied forces. Hermina Mount, head of the spy force in Denmark is determined to do whatever it takes to find out how Germany is so powerful. Unfortunately a bitter police officer, Perter, is determined to debunk the spy network, always managing to stay one step ahead.
To save Harold's brother, Harold offers to take pictures of a military radio tower and from there risks himself and his family to get the pictures back to Britain before Germany invades.
This book is an action packed thriller that keeps the reader intrigued on very page. Each character was dynamic and all had in depth back story. A major theme with every character was bravery and the chance of going back. Chances of success were always little to none when the antagonists had more power than the underdogs. At times the mission seemed hopeless, increasing readers interest.
The flow of the book was so well written it feels as though the pages slip by. The only down side to this novel was the character's romance. All of them had one, but not all of them were different. It seemed as though their romantic side was generally the same, and their personalities undistinguished.
The plot, while there were twists and turns, was also mildly predictable. However no matter the details this work is definitely worth the read and gives readers historical and factual background of Denmark in 1941. If you enjoy war or spy novels in World War 2, don't miss out on this soaring story.


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