Great Expectations by Charles Dickens | Teen Ink

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

February 7, 2014
By Cody Collins BRONZE, Logan, West Virginia
Cody Collins BRONZE, Logan, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Great Expectations was a story of a young boy named Phillip Pirrip (Pip) , who has a somewhat hopeless future of being a blacksmith. He then finds out from a distant friend of his step brothers that he has the expectations to succeed in his future. You can imagine how excited Pip is. He finally realizes he has a bright future ahead of himself. However he doen't know that he has alot of hardship to face before he can reap his rewards. The author truly spun a tale inspiring many voices inside of the readers. Pip meets a trollish old woman by the last name of Havisham. Pip has a sister which is married to his step brother Joe Gargery.

The authors point to be made was that no matter where you come from you can always succeed if you try hard enough. I loved that it was based before over complicated things such as books with things that confuse the reader. The vocabulary the author used was very entertaining and very stimulating. I truly think that my vocabulary improved by reading this book. I loved Great Expectations, because its plot had many twists and references to go by, as long as you have the memory to keep up.

The twists are very good, and keep you interested to see what else might happen. Pip eventually finds a romantic interest name Estella. Pip also finds out that he has someone who is romanitcally interested in him. Her name is Biddy. Biddy does her best to get a shot at Pip but Estella already got her hooks into him. Pip also runs into a old brute named Orlick. Little did Pip know that Orlick would have a pure hatred for him eventually. All the twists in the plot were very satisfying in their attempts to get to the reader and make them wonder how it happened.

The entire story was a good type of story that some people maybe able to relate to in some situations. The situations Pip is put in makes me wonder why he is there. Joe Gargery is a very good father figure to get Pip out of some of these situations. Like very early in the story Pip's sister was on a war path when he comes home late and Joe tells him to hide behind the door. Sadly it doesn't work and Pip is caught and spanked. Pip deserved it for being oh so late. Not to mention he ran into a convict who said he would skin him alive and eat his liver if he didn't do what he said without a word to anyone. Pip has had a very active childhood.

All the plot twists, exciting actions, and learning expriences in this book made it worth reading. The plot and meaning of the book say that anyone can make it to anywhere no matter how low you start is very inspiring. This book is good if you like a long story with twists and romance to keep it interesting. My main point about this book was the story was so amazing that i would read it a third time. I couldn't get over how inspiring it was that a boy who started so low in the buisness system raised so high in the standards of work. All the characters gave a dynamic veiw of the story that we could basically see the story from their eyes. Trying to compare this book to situations in this time of age was surprisingly satisfying in my veiw. This book was very good in my opinion and I can't deny that it had a colorful language.

The author's comments:
I enjoyed this book so much. I would recommend this to someone who has time to burn.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 12 2014 at 2:55 pm
Caleb Barber BRONZE, Logan, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
This is a very attention taking book review, and I loved it. It sounds like a very interesting book. You did a very good job. This book review adds alot of detail. This book grabs my attention.