The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

January 30, 2014
By jumpintotartaruswithme_ BRONZE, Martinsburg, West Virginia
jumpintotartaruswithme_ BRONZE, Martinsburg, West Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't let your current situation define who you are"

Book title & author: The Fault in Our Stars by John
Number of stars (1 to 5): 5

"My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations."
This book is by far my favorite book, that I have read, and that's saying a lot because I have read ALOT of books.

Description & summary of main points:
A Girl named Hazel Grace has had Cancer for quite awhile. She is quite sick, to the point she even has to use a portable oxygen tank. She goes to support group because her mom wants her to make friends, and says she deserves a life. At support group she meets a boy named Augustus Waters, who also has cancer. Who knows what'll happen? (I do! But I'm not gonna ruin it for you..)

This is an amazing book. It is being made into a movie now, and is going to be released in June 2014! (Eeekkk!! I'm very excited for it!) John Green is a great author, and this book is well written. It is somewhat an easy read. (Some big vocabulary, and some profanity is used.) While reading you can picture the characters and everything else very well. Even though most of the characters are sick with cancer, yeah, sure its sad, but John doesn't make you feel bad for them, or pity them like some authors might.

A conclusion? Well, that's simple. You defiantly won't regret reading this book. I would recommend this book anyone of the ages 12 and higher. Now, stop reading this review, cause you've heard enough from me, and go buy the book and read it!


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