The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

January 17, 2014
By tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
37 articles 0 photos 0 comments

John Green really out did himself this time. Cancer is s serious problem and people have yet to find a cure. For hazel Grace and Augustus Waters love might be that cure. This particular book had me in tears, laughing, and in tears all over again. The Fault in Our Stars should defiantly be on your reading list. Not only did it teach you that there is more to life then what you have but it teaches you to live your life to the fullest, even if you have a disability.

Hazel Grace; dealing with a life threating cancer with only a couple years to live. Augustus Waters a boy that has overcome his cancer. They meet at a support group and you could say it was love at first site. They grow closer connecting through books and trips to Amsterdam. As they connect on a very emotional level, Augustus decides to tell Hazel a secret. This secret takes Hazel by surprises and she is not sure how to take it.

Hazel and Gus are very similar but then again they are very different. Hazel had learned to live with cancer but yet doesn’t live to the fullest. She reads books, attends school, watches television and then repeats. Augustus has overcome his cancer but has lost a leg in the process. He can no longer play as the star basketball player but then again he really did not enjoy the sport. Augustus and Hazel are both very intelligent people. Hazel understanding the un-understood. Gus using metaphors. Such as if you put a cigarette in your mouth but don’t light it you are not giving it the power to kill you.

This book absolutely changes my perspective on life and helped me realize what is truly important. Don’t forget that there is more to life then what you have. Enjoy the little things with the people you love. I will never let go of this book it made such an impact.


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