Out of My Mind | Teen Ink

Out of My Mind

December 20, 2013
By Anonymous

My favorite book ever is Out of my mind. Throughout this book, the author makes you think about things that go on around you every day.

Over all the authors purpose is to change the way you think about special kids. My favorite chapter is when Melody's mother stands up for her in front of the doctor. The doctor try's not to be mean, but it came off very rude. Even though Melody's mother hasn't fully possess the whole thing yet, she knows when to step in.

The author achieved her purpose. The writing is powerful, effective,and beautiful. The author could use some more diction. She could work on relating it to the real world. I agree with the author because the things in the book happen everyday in everybody's life. I found this book very interesting because I don't believe in bullying special kids. it's motivational because it shows you that its all right to stand up for what you think is right or what is wrong. I would recommend this book to everybody that loves to read. It could be a mom reading this book to her child up to some one reading it to there grandparents.

Over all I think this book is very inspirational to everybody. This book left me with a full heart, now I don't anybody make fun of a special kid. This book will change your life.

The author's comments:
You will not think the same after you read this book.

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