Rocket Boys | Teen Ink

Rocket Boys

November 21, 2013
By Brianna Settle BRONZE, Petroleum, West Virginia
Brianna Settle BRONZE, Petroleum, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Rocket Boys is a wonderful book about a young boy from a small mine town in West Virginia who has dreams to go somewhere in life. His dad still thought that he was going to take over the mines. He didn’t have faith in him at first, but slowly his faith adds up. Sonny’s dream is to build a rocket and go up in space. That was his determination since he seen Sputnik fly across the midnight sky.

The people from Coalwood all have faith in him, except a few. One of those few is a loved one of his. He said that he would prove that someone wrong and be big in life. Sonny don’t want to work in the coal mines like his father wants him too. Sonny wants to go to up in the sky, not under the cold hard ground.

Sonny makes a club with a few young men. One of them were Quentin, he had the smarts of the group. His mother, Elsie, had a lot of faith in Sonny, his dad on the other hand didn’t till he seen Sonny fly one of his rockets. Miss Riley was Sonny’s biggest supporter, she did all she could to help the boys during their journey. Even when she was on her death bed, she still had faith.

Sonny proved that if you want something enough, go for it. And if you don’t give up and keep trying, your goal will come true. Never give up, even if no one has faith in you anymore. Prove everyone who doubted you wrong.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 7 2014 at 11:38 am
this is a great book i even got to meet billy odell homer and roy lee