Polly Wants to Be a Writer by Laura Michelle Thomas | Teen Ink

Polly Wants to Be a Writer by Laura Michelle Thomas

November 21, 2013
By WritingRabbit GOLD, San Jose, California
WritingRabbit GOLD, San Jose, California
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance in what we do not see."

Have you ever experienced writer's block? How about thoughts of doubt concerning any part of your story? Oh, don't worry, that's just your inner literary dragon talking!
In "Polly Wants to be a Writer: The Junior Authors Guide to Writing and Getting Published," Laura Thomas cleverly weaves solutions to these common writing problems and more into an amusing fantasy storyline. The story centers around Polly, a teenager with aspirations to become a writer, and her struggles when her dragon Scrum suddenly tumbles out of the mirror in her bedroom. Though the novel is about Polly trying to tame Scrum, it simultaneously teaches young writers the steps of the writing process as the reader learns along with Polly. Not just an instruction manual, and not just a fantasy novel, this book combines two completely different genres into one wholly enjoyable read that I highly recommend for any person pursuing a writing career.


This article has 2 comments.

Akshta said...
on Jan. 17 2014 at 10:55 am
Polly wants to be a writer is a perfect blend of Finction and Relativity.
The story starts off with a 15-year-old Polly, a wannabe writer.
And goes through the journey of understanding literary dragons, writing and hidden secrets of the guild.
As a reader, I loved the dialogue-formation, the perfect placement of bends and turns.
As an aspiring Author, I feel it's cleverly crafted, the story keeps hooked while providing the best tips.
thrilling, funny, inspiring, relatable, expressive and effective,
it's hard to believe that ideas like this pop up in creative authors' mind.
Truly said by Amneet Mann,"It'll have young writers rushing to their desks before you can say 'Scrum'"

Akshta said...
on Jan. 16 2014 at 11:26 am
  Polly wants to be a writer is a perfect blend of Finction and Relativity. The story starts off with a 15-year-old Polly, a wannabe writer. And goes through the journey of understanding literary dragons, writing and hidden secrets of the guild. As a reader, I loved the dialogue-formation, the perfect placement of bends and turns. As an aspiring Author, I feel it's cleverly crafted, the story keeps hooked while providing the best tips. thrilling, funny, inspiring, relatable, expressive and effective, it's hard to believe that ideas like this pop up in creative authors' mind. Truly said by Amneet Mann,"It'll have young writers rushing to their desks before you can say 'Scrum'"