Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn | Teen Ink

Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn

November 15, 2013
By TajiraH. GOLD, Piscataway, New Jersey
TajiraH. GOLD, Piscataway, New Jersey
14 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Don't wait for something to happen, if u want it to happen make it happen-ME

"To them I went missing for a year. For myself I might be gone forever. And without myself, how could there be an I?"

As soon as I first discovered Another Little Piece, I knew I had to read it. I mean a girl who disappears after being seen covered in blood and screaming, only to come back again a year later with no memories of her past life. And when they finally do start to come back in flashes, things are definitely more complicated and terrifying than they first seemed...

I have to say that I really liked this one! It was a great and creepy mystery that had me captivated from the beginning. I was desperate to piece everything together along with Anna. There was some pretty good stuff in here; creepy flashbacks, a creepy red haired boy seeming to know a whole lot about Anna and what's going on, as well as a wonderful boy next door that seems to be disliked by everyone--including her own family.

However, even with all of this, it still didn't manage to blow me away. Maybe I was just expecting a bit too much, or it was because I thought it was a tiny bit drawn-out sometimes. We get the clues slowly and thoroughly, since each one is wrapped within a new memory and that's how the story unfolds; going between the present, flashbacks as well as Annaliese's poems. And I think that mixed with Anna's tendency to run away from things, made it feel a bit slow at times--even if I definitely understand why she would.

I loved Anna, I loved the mom and I loved Dex. I loved the way Anna loved them as herself and how they loved her for herself too. I think that's why I didn't care for any of the other characters, even Logan and Gwen who seemed really nice; they just didn't feel like they wanted to know her. I felt so bad for my lovelies too, for having to go through what they have. None of them had it easy! And as for the red haired boy... lets just say that the skin-crawling feeling didn't really stop the more we found out about him.

Overall, I really liked this one and definitely recommend you pick it up if it sounds like something you'd like! While it might not have blown my mind, it's definitely a fascinating story that will stay with me, and I love that.

"And in that instant Annaliese's skin fit me perfectly. I forgot it was her head being thrown back, her hands covering her mouth, trying to stop the helpless whoops shaking her whole body. Dex had told the story so perfectly that I was almost there too, remembering it with him. I was Annaliese. Almost.
Like birds, my laughter fled. One second there; the next, nothing but distant specks in the sky.
I wasn't Annaliese. I never would be.
I shot to my feet. "I should go."'


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