Deadly Drive | Teen Ink

Deadly Drive

October 9, 2008
By Anonymous

Deadly Drive is a great book that you can not abandon even if you usually do. This is one of my favorite books and I'm sure you will love it to. This book will make you want to read and read until you finish.

Deadly Drive is about a girl basketball player who was in an accident with her mom when she was 4. In the accident her mother died. Casie (the main character) is living with her dad trying to focus on basketball and finding her mothers' killer. Also every time the anniversary of her mom's death some unknown person sends Casie about $10,000 or more. Can Casie figure out who it is? Read the book and you will find out.

I would recommend this book for anyone who likes mysteries and likes to be shocked. That is why I like this book because the interesting parts just never end.. So now you have heard a little about the book and you think it sounds great! So you should be on your way to Borders because I'm sure you will love the book.


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