Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen

September 5, 2013
By caraelswick BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
caraelswick BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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Can’t Stop Reading
5 Stars
Keeping the Moon is written by Sarah Dessen. She has written many different books. She had five of her books has been chosen as AVA Best Books for Young Adults. She lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Keeping the Moon is a fictional novel that takes place in the present time.
The main characters in the story are Colie, her Aunt Mira, Norman, and her friends at The Last Chance Dinner, Isabel and Morgan. The setting in the story is Colby, North Carolina. The big problem is that everyone is judging Colie by rumors they hear and not who she truly is. Colie decides that she is going to change how she looks and see if people like her better than what she looked like before.
Colie isn’t your normal teenage girl. She was different and that’s a good thing because not everyone can be alike. Colie’s mom is famous and got called to go to Europe. So she goes, but Colie doesn’t go with her instead her mom sends Colie to go live with her sister which is Colie’s aunt, Mira for the rest of the summer. Colie wanted to go with her mom so bad, but her mom didn’t want her to go. Colie and her mom don’t really get to spend a lot of time together anymore because of how her mom is Kiki Sparks. Colie decided that she will go live with her Aunt Mira, but is it really what Colie thought it would be like? Will she end up finding love after all? Find out in Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen.


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