Bleachers | Teen Ink


September 5, 2013
By Knights of awesomness king awesome BRONZE, 5 None Of Your Buisness, West Virginia
Knights of awesomness king awesome BRONZE, 5 None Of Your Buisness, West Virginia
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The book I read over the summer was John Grisham the bleachers. The reason why I chose this book was I Have always loved football as a sport because in a way it’s the legal way to hit somebody. I also think it’s a manly sport. But back to the book , It’s about a boy named Nelly Crenshaw who was Massena’s All American Quarter Back. But while in collage he was injured with a torn ACL.

Nelly Crenshaw was the best of the best at his position which was QB for the Trojan football team. There Coach’s name was Coach Rake that’s what they called him at least. One day while in collage Neely was injured in there game against Texas A&M every one on the team said it was a late hit on Texas’s side on Neely and that lead up to a torn ACL. That ended his career in College football. The only reason why he came back was because coach rake was dying from a disease. But when he came back everything was the same the same old stores the same old buildings everything was the same from when he left.

All his friends and football buddies were still there and they all meet on the bleachers out on the football field every night. Then the assistant coach was Rabbit he was crazy in one game he ran right out in front of a linebacker and was hit straight on full force with no pads on and had to be ambulanced of the field. Ever since coach got sick he would turn each field light off every night one went off till he passed away and all the lights went out. Then Silo Mooney found the tape from the 1978 game against Georgia State I think. They were listening to it when the last light went off and the sheriff came and told them that Coach Rake had passed.

The town wasn’t the same after Coach Rake Passed after Neely and Silo to a walk through the cemetery and saw a Trojans player that had played for coach rake and had died. Was one Sunday Coach Rake had a practice on Sunday which the town did not like because that was the day they all went to church and it was hot as well like up in the Hundreds and they were fool pads and everything and Scotty the boy who died was running up and down the bleachers and suddenly fell to his death from heat stroke. After that Coach rake was fired from the position head coach and was never heard from or talked to again until his death and the sickness of his time before. The night of his death would never be forgotten in the town of Messina.


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