The Notebook by Nicolas Sparks | Teen Ink

The Notebook by Nicolas Sparks

October 2, 2008
By Anonymous

In the eyes of Allie Nelson, Noah is just some poor country boy that has a little crush on her. But in the eyes of Noah, Allie is not just any-girl and he know that its love at from the minute he meets her. Allie soon comes to realize the same and they float into each others hearts forever.

The Notebook is obviously a love story but it’s defiantly not an ordinary one. In the book there are two different time periods going on and is basically based on the reading of a notebook the whole time. It is a book that will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions and you better have some time to read it because you won’t be able to put it down. This book shows the true love that you would never imagine possible, but always would wish for.

I highly recommend this book to and gender above the age of 12. This book not only shows how strong ones love for each other can be but also teaches that it’s ok to make mistakes. The Notebook will take you from crying to laughing within seconds and will show you that you can always have a second chance.

The best selling sequel to this book is the Wedding by Nicolas Sparks.


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