Peak | Teen Ink


September 30, 2008
By Anonymous

This story is all about Peak, a juvenile climber from New York, finding out who he really is. After getting in trouble with the law, Peak's father, Josh, comes to the rescue and persuades the judge to take Peak to Thailand. Josh, a well-known professional climber, decides he wants to make Peak the youngest human being ever to make the summit of Mt. Everest.

Peak is a pretty muscular 14-year-old, from the big city of New York. He lives with his mother and step-father, Rolf, and his two twin sisters. Peak likes to climb and being from New York City, the only climbs he can do are skyscrapers. These skyscraper climbs eventually lead to Peak's arrest.

The dilemma that Peak goes through is trying to get to the top of Everest. Not only is the task challenging, but Captain Shek, the “Chinese Nazi,” is always checking Josh's climbing crew to make sure that nobody is cheating their way to the top of Everest. Peak has to look out for himself and his good friend Sun-jo throughout the climb and make sure that both make the top. Also, Peak's relationship with his father is not where Peak would like it to be. Peak feels that Josh is just using him so Josh's climbing company would have the youngest climber to reach the summit of Mt. Everest. Peak and Josh never really bond on this excursion, but after their departure they keep in touch by writing each other letters.

I would recommend this book because it is such a page-turner. Roland Smith did an extraordinary job keeping the reader's interest by always making new conflicts for Peak and the rest of the company. Also, Smith keeps you glued to the book because he describes how hard Peak's climb to Everest is.

What Roland Smith did well was foreshadowing throughout the story, always making the reader think about the content. An example of this would be Zopa's relation with Sun-jo. Smith could've made Josh and Peak's relationship much closer at the end, which disappointed me.


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