Out of my Mind by Sharon Draper | Teen Ink

Out of my Mind by Sharon Draper

May 8, 2013
By malgal BRONZE, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania
malgal BRONZE, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

What if you never said a word in your life? What if you didn’t know how to walk? This is exactly how Melody lives throughout each and everyday. She is a normal girl like anyone else. Her brain functions the way anyone else’s does. Melody just has trouble talking through what she wants. This is because she can’t talk at all until one day all of this changes.

Melody has had a disease called “cerebral palsy” ever since she was a little baby. This rare, but serious illness causes her to not be able to walk, not be able to speak real words, and hold anything without it dropping.

Melody goes to school like everyone else but is with a “special” group of kids who all have disabilities like her. She doesn’t want to be different and just wants to be with the normal kids and live a regular life. But Melody has a gift, a very special gift. She has a photographic memory and can remember every sentence from things that happened in the past.

Nobody knows that Melody has this special gift until she gets something called a “Medi-Talker”. This machine allows Melody to talk through a computer voice. All she has to do is program any words she wants it to say and then click on them. Once the world knows how smart Melody really is, they don’t judge her as bad. This book really inspired me because it sent me a message and that message was that I should be grateful for I am and thank God for that for all the good things he has given me. The book Out of My Mind was a book where the pages turned themselves.

I made a lot of connections throughout the book because sometimes I feel like Melody, alone, frustrated, and feel like I’m different than everyone else. I would rate this book 5 out of 5 stars. I give the book this rating because the author was very creative and the story was amazing.


This article has 2 comments.

malgal BRONZE said...
on May. 20 2013 at 10:27 am
malgal BRONZE, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 4 comments
Dearest mary, thank you so much. you have grown to be a great writer too. always strive for whats best in your writing. God bless you deary. 

marys1 BRONZE said...
on May. 13 2013 at 10:34 am
marys1 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments
mallory, this is a wonderful review! i love it. I think you have grown so much as a writer throughout your beautiful career and im so proud of you! this is so good and its just words cant desribe it. i have tears in my eyes right now! i just cant even.... its amazing