Ransom by Lois Duncan | Teen Ink

Ransom by Lois Duncan

January 31, 2013
By Anonymous

The book I read was called Ransom by Lois Duncan. The book talks about how high school teenagers got kidnapped on their way home from the bus. The teenagers are very different; there was your usual jock, nerd, or cheerleader. They all have teenage problems like mostly everyone in high school. There are three kidnappers, who are very different in personality, but they all have one goal and that was money. They have a reason why they did it for money, so it wasn’t just like a hobby for them. Of course all the kids would like to go back home and see their families but the only problem that they have is, how will they go back? Only time would tell, you never know what could happen to the kids. Maybe one kid never sees their family again, or maybe one kid doesn’t even want to leave.
This book would relate to anyone really in middle or high school; because it’s all the personalities you would meet in a school. It shows how normal students live their basic life in a school and all of a sudden they get kidnapped. You can see their journey to get back home and the decisions they have to make as well. The book also teaches some valuable life lessons, but it also shows reality, because you never know, one day you can just be kidnapped. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone in their pre-teens or teenage years. If you’re into the whole young adult and mysterious type of books, this is definitely for you. You should go and buy this book right now!


This article has 1 comment.

vanessa said...
on Feb. 4 2013 at 7:14 pm
i was debating whether to read this book or not but your review made me want to know more about the book. thank you! hopefully i will love this book!