You.. by Charles Benoit | Teen Ink

You.. by Charles Benoit

November 29, 2012
By Hannah Maldonado SILVER, Denver, Colorado
Hannah Maldonado SILVER, Denver, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Maybe you’re the kid who throws the parties, or the tough jock that has no emotions. Maybe you’re that geeky girl with the braces, or the one known as the druggy. Or maybe you’re name is Kyle and you’re madly in love with a girl who thinks you are her best friend and you are being tricked by this new, rich kid who seems to know everything about you. You’re part of high school, and that is enough stress already, but this new kid, he’s slowly ruining your life. Will you be able to handle it?
You by Charles Benoit is a mystery that keeps you left in awe of what might happen next. The image that Benoit imprints in your mind is something that very few authors have the ability to do. The mix of love and mystery, hate, and guilt all come together to show the talent that the author uses in order to showcase the complex character, Kyle. Not only does the author show the complexity of one character, but he is also able to show the unique things about every character, including the small roles.
Kyle is known as a hoodie, a click at his school, who all wear black hoodies and jeans. Zack, a preppy, new kid, thinks he can get anybody to play his game. He finds out every little detail about them in order to find their weak spot. Kyle refuses he has one, he doesn’t care about much, but Zack is determined to find it. If he finds it, will it lead Kyle to the love of his life, or will it lead him to cause a disaster for himself?


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