<i>The Road</i> by Cormac McCarthy | Teen Ink

The Road by Cormac McCarthy MAG

November 29, 2012
By Marcus Arnold SILVER, Thornton, Colorado
Marcus Arnold SILVER, Thornton, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

This novel is a must-read for anyone looking for a story about courage and strength. A powerful story accomplished by a skillful author is what you will get. McCarthy takes readers on a journey that will captivate you like no other. The Road is one of my favorite ­novels.

McCarthy does a wonderful job at the beginning to bring you into the story. He provides you with immense detail to paint a gray and mystic scene. He continuously provides details of the surroundings to keep you interested. Complementing the immense detail is an extraordinary story line.

Taking you on the journey of a father and son through a ravaged landscape, McCarthy shows their courage. In a future where almost nothing remains, you're shown a relationship sustained by love. From being nearly froze to death, having no food, and living off water, the father and son look to each other for comfort and love in a world that has little to offer them. As they scavenge food from houses and live off luck, you gain compassion for the father and son.

This is a story of love and courage. Despite the dire challenges, they continue to press on. Even though they know it would be easier to give up, they continue to struggle. This is a testament to their strength and faith. The fact that they never give up on one another was captivating to me and continuously drew my attention. That was my favorite part of the novel.

Aside from a great story, ­McCarthy provides curveballs to keep you on your toes, which makes The Road even more powerful. Although the novel has a heart-wrenching ending, I was disappointed in how the journey ended. McCarthy leaves you wondering what happened. You are left with just your imagination and the desire for a sequel. Despite this, The Road is one of my favorites, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a good, quick read. It will show you the power of courage through companionship.


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