I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore | Teen Ink

I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

November 2, 2012
By 1DSupahFan1237 BRONZE, Stoneville, North Carolina
1DSupahFan1237 BRONZE, Stoneville, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

From the beginning, I am number Four, an alien from the distant planet Lorien, has always had to fight for his home planet. When sent to Earth as a child, Four was moved around a lot with his caretaker. To be able to fight the evil Mogodorians first he must develop the Lorien Legacies. After reading this supernatural story, I've seen into the life of a boy who has never had an easy life, and has to fight for what he believes in.
A few main points in this story are first when John and Henri, his caretaker, move from Florida to Paradise, Ohio. Little did they know, it would change both their lives forever. He would fall in love, deal with stuck up high school jocks, and finally discover true friendship. Sarah, his girlfriend, and Sam, his friend, help John to realize who he is and that he has true emotions not just the fact that he's an alien from a foreign planet.
The critical elements of this story are when John first starts to develop his legacies. They let him know that soon, after much training, he will be ready to fight the Mogodorains when they arrive on earth to fight. Their goal is to destroy earth just like Lorien, and they won't stop until they succeed.
This book in just a few sentences is absolutely nail- biting! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time I was reading! The fact that John was willing to lose his life to save his planet is amazing!
In just a few sentences, this book had me enthralled. It was absolutely nail- biting! I loved reading every page! It was definitely one of the best books I've ever read! I totally recommend it!


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