White Teeth by Zadie Smith | Teen Ink

White Teeth by Zadie Smith

October 24, 2012
By fairypek BRONZE, Istanbul, Other
fairypek BRONZE, Istanbul, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is complicated.

I’ve been looking for a good book for a long time.’White Teeth’ was a book that I know for a while.But I never had a chance to read it.But one day I held it and started to read it unconsciously.I mean like I was gonna read it someday but I never planned to read it that week.The thing which made me to do that was the gripping structure of the book.Once I start, I couldn’t drop it.I was like drinking the words.
That made me think why I liked this book.I think it is because it was telling about something I am familiar with.It was about cultures which are entangled to each other but about to disappear just because the confused minds.It was a book good at telling ‘’lost’’ people.
Second was the deep meanings,detailed expressions.
Even if you read just one page you could’ve understand the demanding search under it.You could feel that somebody worked hard to tell you something properly.
I recommend this book to everyone but especially who are immigrants,or who struggles between cultures. Because I can surely say that,doesn’t matter who you are,you’ll find something about you,something from your life…


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