Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones | Teen Ink

Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

September 26, 2012
By Chevalier BRONZE, Nipomo, California
Chevalier BRONZE, Nipomo, California
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Favorite Quote:
The Bird of Hermes' is my Name, Eating my Wings to keep me Tame

Howl’s Moving Castle
By Diana Jones, 429 pages

Howl’s moving castle is a book written by Diana Jones, and is a spectacular tale ranging from the feelings of love and depression, all the way to magic and space/time manipulation. The book centers around a girl by the name of Sophie, who works at a hat shop with her two sisters and mother after her father died. One day a woman comes to the shop, and dissatisfied with Sophie’s behavior curses her with Old Age. Sophie Carry on, leaving town and continues to go on a myriad of adventures after her meeting with The Wizard Howl, his assistant Michele, and the demon Calcifer, acting as a cleaning lady. The book goes on to show both Sophie and Howl’s feelings develops and delves into their past, as well as addressing several human traits, both good and bad. The story seems to always keep you interested whether it’s with little details that add to the world they lives in, or the confusing gaps and doorways between our time and space and those of the book. The story is lively, with surprising, but not distorting, plot twists, realizations and exiting outlandish events. It’s ending is one of my favorites and I absolutely recommend that you try and read it to.

The author's comments:
Class Mandatory Review


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